I was thrown into the jungle as a child, with no guidance, no support, no discipline and no family. I had to learn how to survive.
Bruised, tortured and challenged, but I emerged an Alpha Male Lion.
I proudly wear my scars, to remind me of my courage, strength, and my passion to enhance and enrich the lives of others.
Here’s my story…
An only child, born in Queens into a small family - mother, father, one uncle and cousin. I never knew my grandparents, they died before I was born. Sadly, my uncle died two weeks after I was born. My parents and I lived in Queens for six years, then relocated to a wealthy suburb of Philadelphia. Shortly after my sixth birthday, on Halloween night, my father was found one mile from home in his car… with a bullet through his head. To this day, no specific details were revealed.
A new, but heart wrenching life chapter began. My mother and I remained in this affluent neighborhood, which offered an excellent school district. I was the poorest kid surrounded by kids in the wealthiest neighborhood - with no car for one year, and no phone for six months. Feelings of disconnect from the world were starting to engulf my soul, so I had to learn how to get by, to survive.
After high school, I attended Hofstra University for a year. Came home to make some money with the intention of moving to LA and transferring to UCLA. Upon my return to Philly, I discovered that my mother was diagnosed with liver cancer - with a one year prognosis. My small world was shrinking quickly, quicker than I could have imagined. Three months later, after a long night at the hospital with my mother in a coma, I left to go get food and try and get some rest. While at a nearby deli with my cousin, an overpowering feeling came upon me. I had to leave immediately and return to the hospital to be with my mother. Twenty minutes later, in my arms… my mother died.
I’m sure if you are reading this, certain emotions may be generated or perhaps you can identify with some of my experiences. Let me continue.
Friends of my mother’s invited me to live with them. Sounded good, especially with nowhere else to go. Unfortunately, here is where I learned the concepts of cheating, lying and stealing, the only things this dysfunctional couple provided. Truly brutal. I had to leave, I had to change my life. Twenty years old, with $500 to my name. I found a newspaper, an apartment and moved in. No bells, no whistles, no furniture, but worst of all… no one in my life, no acceptance - nothing.
If you are still with me - a light in my soul ignited.
I wanted and needed to be accepted. I found myself always having to be “on” - skills that helped me in the Event Entertainment industry. I watched how people would react to me - with my spoken words, eye contact, facial expression, body language, etc. Watching people soon lead to watching how animals react with one another, the Discovery Channel made it easy. And then there was, The Lion King - my connection. It all started to make sense. The light began to glow.
I realized that the only difference in communication among mammals and humans is the spoken word… that’s it. And, for the most part, mammals in the wild know way more about non-verbal communication skills than we do.
Let’s think about that…
In the jungle, a rhino doesn’t communicate with a giraffe, and a lion does not communicate with a deer - unless perhaps in killing or if being killed. While they are all mammals, they communicate very differently. The same holds true with people. While we are all human, we are unique in regard to communication. So, how should one effectively communicate with someone who is more like a tiger, or a deer, or a rhino?
And so, the birth of, THE PERSUASIVE LION - the art of successful communication, using your entire machine more effectively - your language, melody, pauses, pitch, hand gestures, facial expressions and communication with oneself. Unfortunately, 99% of the people I come into contact with - lack these life-changing skills.
I am a LION, speaking all languages. 100% self-taught.